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Photographing Food at The Lift in Jackson, Wyoming

Do you even Lift? If not, then you better check out The Lift Restaurant over in Jackson, Wyoming to satisfy your appetite. I had the opportunity to join a group of awesome photographers and take loads of photos of their food options. This was a very unique opportunity and taught me a lot about the world of food photography. The customer service was also astounding and I was not only pleased with the food (yes, we got to eat it after we shoot the different entrees and main courses) but the manager was incredibly kind and was always looking for ways to help us.


Definitely go check out the Lift if you are ever passing through western Wyoming through Jackson. 10/10 would recommend!


Overhead View of Food

I quickly found out that one of my favorite styles when it comes to taking photos of photography is getting above and shooting straight down. I think that the style is so cool and the options are near limitless.




It’s also a very good way to show as much of the food as you want, but don’t be afraid to single in on one specific area to show those tasty details!



Happy Customers Make the Best Shots

Some of the best way to advertise for a restaurant is to show the customers, and to show them smiling and enjoying life! It’s simple science; when we see people enjoying themselves and having a good time, we want that same experience.



So the power of capturing those moments when people are laughing with their friends and family, taking selfies of their amazing food, or just enjoying the pure deliciousness of their food, you’re going to win customers over.



Getting Close and Personal With Your Food


Don’t be afraid of getting close up to your food. Seeing the details of what is in the food actually helps show people what they are missing out on, so get those nice close ups! Mmmmm!

